dilluns, 29 de setembre del 2008



It was suprising when I heard the Creed concept at the IESE Business School some years ago . A company, J&J, which was supposed to care only about profitability, had developed a Creed many years ago. At certain stage, many years later, Johnson and Johnson’s Board decided that any Creed had to be applied or should disappear. They kept it.

Many companies talk about “developing the potential of their employees “, “Taking advantage ot the talents”, “the customer is our main concern”…In the last years the concept of Social Responsability has been gathering momentum : Friendy to the Enviroment, Community Development, Human Rights Compliance , a long list of nice items …

But reality tell us something different : politicians say they care for the people who elected them, that they will accept full responsibility when something goes wrong but they do not. C.E.O s and High Management allegedly defend their shareholders interest and help their employees to do their work but crearly many do not. Suppliers lie to customers, with hidden clauses in contracts, banks have subprime mortgages, there is massive environmental pollution, many politicians are corrupt and accept bribery, war is big business, people lie all the time to get advantages, justice is unfair and biassed againt the poor and destitute, people work endless houres or are jobless, homeless and hungry…. everybody is going after the buck …

Well, you could say that there is a big majority of honest people, within “reasonable” limits and I agree with you in principle but they do not have positions of power. If anyboby wants to climb (even just survive) in this system, he has to be dishonest in many situations …. by following orders..

Please, be honest or remove the word HONESTY from the dictionary. It hurts. The present values , $, €, are incompatible with honesty. All things being equal, tricks, lies and manipulation make the difference.

Stephen Hawkings has just said that in less than 100 years there will be a major world disaster. It would be the logical consequence of what we are doing and the way we are living. .. dishonestly. It is up to us to do something. Saying that that is the world and we have to adapt to it will lead us to disaster. But do not pretend to change anything, it’ s not possible, it is naïve. Change yourself. What are your priorities in life?.
Jordi Delcor PhD