dilluns, 25 d’agost del 2008


I have always been baffled by the very poor governments communication skills and performance. So many advisers and councellors .... When they want to give you a breath of fresh democracy the broadcast the insufferable parliamentary sessions when they kick ( on the surface) each other and solve nothing in a sort of Geraldo’s reality show.

People in Spain are becoming more and more sceptical about politicians. Corruption, cynism, double language, suspicion and ineffectiveness are dancing and dangling around them . They are so busy self administering their powerful drug (power) that they forget who pays them (well, their salaries I mean) and to whom they own their loyalty.

And they do not communicate in clear, understandable, effective language what they want to do, what they have achieved and what failed, why and what are they planning to do to fix it.

But I am wrong. I forget that their agenda is not ours. We are concerned with mortgages, jobs, opportunities, education, health, safety and they are with their drug.

The two universes are far apart to have even the slightest connexion.